This is what lucky looks like:And this is what lucky looks like the next morning:
I was going to write today about Brady's haircut yesterday. How he was so overdue for it and we were getting him spiffed up for his 2nd birthday party on Sunday. How his face looks so cute and little now that all that crazy hair is gone from all around it. How I hadn't seen or felt the baby-soft back of his neck in months. And how some kid spinning the chairs around in the hair salon had him laughing so hard that people kept coming in from other rooms to see what the baby was giggling about (I took a little video but can't get it out of my phone).
Instead, I'm posting what looks like a mug shot that was taken after a street fight. My poor baby tripped and fell last night, scraping his face against the edge of a train table. I heard the thud, followed by the scream, that makes every mother's stomach flip over, and ran upstairs to find him crying hysterically, screaming "Mommy" over and over again. The skin from his nose was stuck in his eyelashes and the tears from his left eye were tinged with blood. He was consoled after a while by Wubbzy, fruit snacks and every toy his brother and sister could bring him to make him happy. The quick dose of Motrin helped too.
Although our pediatrician advised us to bring him over in the morning, because of the proximity of the cut to his eye, I took him to pediatric urgent care last night. The doctor there was very good with him and assured me that all looks well. Although his nose looks busted up, there's nothing more serious than an abrasion and some swelling. Similarly, his eye is just scraped up on the outside but his vision isn't affected. By the time we left, he was schmoozing his way out the door and making the ladies giggle over his cuteness.
Our little Bunch got very, very lucky last night and so did we. I'm trying not to think about how bad this episode could have been if he'd hurt his actual eye. I'm so grateful that our baby boy is ok, and we'll be celebrating his birthday with him healthy, if a little bruised up. I'm also grateful that we have such good resources in our community; it took the pediatrician less than 15 minutes to return my call and the urgent care facility was exactly what we needed in this situation. Like I said, we are very, very, very lucky.
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T I have so glad he is okay.. That is so close to his eye. How scary for you.. Especially the bloody tears.. OMG I would have freaked out completely.
He sure will have some stories to tell about this when he is older...
Please give him big hugs from Just Nicole..
My girls are sitting here with me, and both said, "Poor baby!"
So glad to hear it was nothing serious. It really could have been bad. I know about that stomach flip all too well. We've definitely had our fair share of clase calls.
Oh my goodness!
Poor, poor baby!!!
Give him a big ole kiss from his crazy Aunt Meghan all the way out here on the East Coast.
poor baby... hope he feels better soon!!!!
that photo made my heart stop! I can't imagine how frightened you were.......poor baby.
So glad all turned out OK.
Poor baby! Glad that he is ok and it was not worse.
How scary for you Hon. So glad that everything turned out ok.
Oh Torreh! Oh poor baby....oh man....ACK!!! Hugs to you momma.
OH Sweet! You poor mommy and poor sweet Brady! I'm so glad he's fine! Sweet hugs to both of you from me!
I totally would have been freakin' out inside (can't let the babies see momma going bananas) when I saw red tears. You poor sweet momma!!!
Lots of Virginia love comin' your way!
I'm really glad he's OK! Sounds like he's putting you through the wringer like Kevin did/does us! Never a dull moment, lots of panic, blood, and accidents! Anna squirted a cleaning solution called Mean Green in her mouth yesterday and we had to call poison control and take her in, too....ugh. What a terrible mother I am. I was standing RIGHT THERE, too...and so was Jason. Hey, shoot me an email, will ya? They had to wipe my computer clean and I lost all my addys! Wanted to write back about your question.
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