Monday, February 05, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Belated Birthday to my husband. Even on the one day in the universe when the stars collided and the Super Bowl happened to fall on his birthday, he still had to do things like attend a family function...for my family. No one was more excited about the day than Julia, who woke him up way too early to tell him that it actually was his birthday. What we lacked in extravagant presents this year, trying to be prudent because of the house and all, we made up for in good wishes from family and friends, two really excited kids and a great feeling of happiness as we celebrated with our kids and looked forward to the year to come. Chocolate cake (not made by me) didn't hurt either. Of course, Ray still did laundry, washed dishes and changed diapers throughout the day. Birthday or no birthday, some things just can't wait.


Nik said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAY!!! Even if it is late.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby. So glad he had a good day being a dad!