Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Baby Loves Me Just The Way That I Am

I am convinced that I have no idea how to put babies to sleep. The whole process frightens me and I am not good at it, even after having 3 kids. Ethan the wonder baby is a different story for another day. He doesn't count, at least in this case. But today Brady was in his cosleeper, fussing, so I went over to him. I stuck my un-made up, wet hair, ugly glasses face in there and he graced me with some beautiful happy smiles that are still making my heart tingle. I gazed at him and gave him his binky, holding it in place until he got the hang of it. And then he closed his sweet little eyes and drifted off to sleep. I know the nap will be short and I'll get done one 20th of the things I want to get done, but that nap and the way that he got there, are the greatest gifts I'll get today.


@wesome@bby said...

Here's hoping Brady takes his longest nap ever for you today. Have a good weekend!

Artful Creations by Tracie said...

Awwwwwww, the things a child can do to melt a mother's heart.... I'm sure you know you'll want to really remember that moment because as he gets older...well those moments I hear will all but be non-existent! ;-)

Nik said...

Oh How sweet. A sleeping baby was something that terrified me to. Well not the sleeping bit the getting to sleep bit... She would fuss and fuss and then suck and suck and finally doze off in my arms. But the minute I moved she would wake. I put up with that for 6 months.. Then one day I just let her cry. It was the best move I ever made.

I know that your little man will give you just the right about of time when you need it.